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Bucegi Natural Park

Public Documents

Information Bulletin



According to the provisions of Law 544/2001 on free access to information of public interest, with subsequent amendments and additions, and the application rules published in 2002, there is an obligation to communicate the following information ex officio, by posting it at the headquarters and on the website:

  1. the regulations governing the organisation and functioning of the public authority or institution (Annex 1);
  2. the organisational structure, the tasks of the departments, the operating schedule, the schedule of hearings of the public authority or institution (Annex 2);
  3. the names and surnames of the persons at the head of the public authority or institution and of the official responsible for the dissemination of public information (Annex 3);
  4. contact details of the public authority or public institution, i.e. name, location, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address and website address (Annex 4);
  5. financial sources, budget and balance sheet (Annex 5);
  6. its programmes and strategies (Annex 6);
  7. procedures for access to information of public interest (Annex 7);
  8. list of categories of documents produced and/or managed, according to Law 544/2001 (Annex 8);
  9. the procedures for appealing against the decision of the public authority or institution in the event that the person considers that his or her right of access to the information of public interest requested has been infringed (Annex 9);
  10. Standard form for a request for information of public interest (Annex 10);
  11. Model for administrative complaint (Annex 11);


Administrația Parcului Natural Bucegi

Tel: 0245/772640

Fax: 0245/772636  


Pentru informaţii suplimentare, persoană de contact:

Ing. Colțoiu Alexandru – Director Parc

Tel. 0731560397


The official document can be downloaded below

Year 2023


Year 2022


Year 2021


Year 2020

Specific Legislation

The regulatory documents governing the organisation and functioning of the public authority or institution

Law no. 46/2008 - Forestry Code, with subsequent additions and amendments

Law no. 234/2019 for the amendment and completion of O.U.G. no. 59/2000 regarding the Status of forestry personnel

GD 229/2009 - Decision regarding the reorganization of the National Forest Management-Romsilva and the approval of the Organization and Operation Regulation.

OM 904/2010 for the approval of the Procedure regarding the establishment and authorization of forest reserves and their attributions, the model of the establishment, organization and operation documents, as well as the content of the National Register of forest managers and forest reserves

GD no. 333 of April 21, 2005 for the reorganization of the forestry and hunting territorial directorates into forestry and hunting territorial inspectorates (MO no. 354 of April 26, 2005).

GD no. 1206 of October 4, 2007 for the modification and completion of HG 333/2005, for the reorganization of the forestry and hunting regime directorates into forestry and hunting regime inspectorates.

DECISION no. 230 of March 4, 2003 regarding the delimitation of biosphere reserves, national parks and natural parks and the establishment of their administrations.

ORDER no. 552 of August 26, 2003 regarding the approval of the internal zoning of national parks and natural parks, from the point of view of the need to preserve biological diversity

ORDER no. 1822 of October 6, 2020 for the approval of the Methodology for assigning the management of protected natural areas.


GEO no. 85/08.11.2006 regarding the establishment of methods for assessing damage to forest vegetation in forests and outside them

OM no. 1650/31.10.2000 regarding the approval of the Technical Norms regarding the choice and application of treatments

OM no. 1649/31.10.2000 regarding the approval of the Technical Norms for the care and management of arboretums

OM no. 1651/31.10.2000 regarding the approval of the Technical Norms regarding the evaluation of the volume of wood intended for commercialization

OM no. 1798/19.11.2007 for the approval of the Environmental Permit Issuance Procedure

OM no. 504/20.07.2006 regarding the modification and completion of the forestry technical norms for the development of forests approved by the Order of the Minister of Water, Forests and Environmental Protection no. 1672 of 07.11.2000.

DECISION no. 497 of June 25, 2020 for the approval of the Norms relating to the origin, circulation and commercialization of wood materials, to the regime of storage spaces for wood materials and round wood processing facilities, as well as those regarding the origin and circulation of wood materials intended for the owner's own consumption and of measures to apply the provisions of Regulation (EU) no. 995/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 20, 2010 establishing the obligations of operators who introduce wood and wood products on the market.

ORDER no. 766 of July 23, 2018 for the approval of the Technical Norms regarding the development of forestry facilities, the modification of their provisions and the change of the land use category from the forest fund and the Methodology regarding the approval of exceeding the annual possibility/possibility in order to harvest accidental products I

ORDER no. 1,346 of May 2, 2011 (*updated*) for the approval of the Regulation on the form and method of using special marking devices, as well as the method of marking trees or groups of trees


L 13/2007 – Electricity Law.

L 107/1996 – Water Law.

L 85/2003 – Mining Law.

L 351/2004 – Gas Law.

L 238/2004 – Petroleum Law.

L 7/1996 – Cadastre Law.

GEO 195/2005 – regarding environmental protection.

GEO 164/2008 – for the modification and completion of GEO 195/2005.

OG 43/1997 – regarding the road regime.

GD 525/1996 - regarding the approval of the general urban planning regulation.

GD 443/2006 - regarding the promotion of electricity production without renewable energy sources.

HG 445/2009 - regarding the assessment of the impact of certain public and private projects on the environment.

HG 1705/2006 - regarding the approval of the centralized inventory of goods in the public domain of the state.

OM 504/2006 - regarding the modification and completion of the technical rules for forest management.

Decree 237/1978 - for the establishment of norms regarding the systematization, location, construction and repair of electric lines that pass through forests and agricultural lands.

Technical norms regarding forest management.

Technical norms NTE 003/04/00 – Normative for the construction of overhead electricity lines with voltages above 1000 V, approved by Order 32/2004 of the ANRE president.

Decisions of the Constitutional Court regarding the exception of unconstitutionality of some articles from the land fund laws: Decision 602/20.05.2008; Decision 603/20.05.2008; Decision 605/28.04.2009; Decision 652/28.04.2009.


L 18/1991 the fund functions

L 169/1997 for the amendment and completion of the Land Fund Law no. 18/1991

L 1/2000 for the reconstitution of the right of ownership over agricultural and forest lands, requested according to the provisions of the Land Fund Law no. 18/1991 and of Law no. 169/1997

LAW no. 86 of June 27, 2014 for the approval of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 34/2013 regarding the organization, administration and exploitation of permanent meadows and for the amendment and completion of the Land Fund Law no. 18/1991

L 213/1998 regarding public property and its legal regime

L 407/2006 hunters and the protection of hunting stock


H. G. 1076/2009 - for the approval of the Forest Fund Protection Regulation

H. G. 996/2008 for the approval of the Norms relating to the origin, circulation and commercialization of wooden materials, to the regime of storage spaces for wooden materials and roundwood processing facilities

L 171/2010 - regarding the establishment and sanctioning of forestry contraventions

O.U.G 85/2006 - regarding the establishment of methods for assessing damage to forest vegetation in forests and outside them

MAN. 1305/2005 - for the approval of the service uniform model of forestry personnel

MAN. 332/2006 - regarding the amendment of the annex to the Order of the Minister of Agriculture, Forests and Rural Development no. 1.305/2005 for the approval of the service uniform model of forestry personnel

O. G. 2/2001 - regarding the legal regime of contraventions

L 307/2006 - regarding fire protection

MAN. 163/2007 - for the approval of the General Fire Protection Rules

MAN. 166/2010 - for the approval of the General Provisions regarding fire protection in buildings and related installations.

H. G. 1739/2006 - for the approval of the construction and development categories that

subject to fire safety approval and/or authorization.


GD 28/2008 regarding the approval of the framework content of the technical-economic documentation related to public investments, as well as the structure and methodology for the preparation of the general estimate for investment objectives and intervention works.

GD 264/2003 regarding the establishment of actions and categories of expenses, criteria, procedures and limits for making advance payments from public funds

GD 273/1994 regarding the approval of the Regulations for the reception of construction works and related installations.

HG 406/2009 for the modification of the value limits regarding the competences for approving technical-economic documentation of new investment objectives

GD 363/2010 regarding the approval of cost standards for investment objectives financed from public funds

L 10/1995 regarding quality in construction

O 154/2010 for the approval of the Authorization Procedure for site managers

L 56/2010 regarding the accessibility of the national forest fund

GD 335/2011 for the modification of the value limits regarding the competences for approving technical-economic documentation of new investment objectives

GD 653/2007 regarding the approval of the technical-economic indicators of the investment objectives contained in the "Project regarding the development of torrential hydrographic basins and the reconstruction of forest roads in forest areas with a major risk of flooding in Romania"

L 500/2002 on public finances


L 278/2010 regarding the approval of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 76/2010 for

amending and supplementing the emergency Government Ordinance no. 34/2006 regarding the awarding of public procurement contracts, public works concession contracts and service concession contracts.

Order No. 314 of October 12, 2010 regarding the implementation of the certificate of participation in independent bid auctions Interpretation of Order No. 314 of October 12, 2010 regarding the implementation of the certificate of participation in independent bid auctions.

O.U.G. no. 76/2010 for the amendment and completion of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 34/2006 regarding the awarding of public procurement contracts, public works concession contracts and service concession contracts.

DECISION no. 1,482 of November 25, 2009 for the amendment of Government Decision no. 525/2007 regarding the organization and operation of the National Authority for the Regulation and Monitoring of Public Procurement

DECISION No. 827 of July 22, 2009 for the approval of the Norms regarding the specific procedure for the elaboration and transmission of the request to establish the fact that a certain relevant activity is directly exposed to competition on a market to which access is not restricted.

Government Decision no. 925/2006 for the approval of the rules for the application of the provisions relating to the awarding of public procurement contracts from GEO no. 34/2006, as amended and subsequent additions.

Order no. 1517 of May 27, 2009 regarding the approval of the Guide for the implementation of public works and services concession projects in Romania

Guide for the implementation of public works and services concession projects in Romania

Order no. 107 of July 6, 2009 for the approval of the Regulation on the supervision of the awarding of public procurement contracts, public works concession contracts and service concession contracts

Order no. 51/2009 regarding the acceleration of the restricted tendering and negotiation procedures with prior publication of a participation announcement

Emergency ordinance no. 34/2006 regarding the awarding of public procurement contracts, public works concession contracts and service concession contracts, with subsequent amendments and additions.

Decision no. 1660 of November 22, 2006 for the approval of the Norms for the application of the provisions relating to the awarding of public procurement contracts by electronic means from the Government's Emergency Ordinance no. 34/2006 amended and supplemented by H.G. no. 198/2007

HG 942/2006 for the approval of the Norms for the application of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 30/2006, with the changes and additions brought by 1.083/2007

O.U.G. no. 30/2006 regarding the function of verifying the procedural aspects related to the process of awarding public procurement contracts, amended and supplemented by Law 228/2007 and by O.U.G. no. 129/2007.

H. G. no. 71/2007 for the approval of the rules for the application of the provisions relating to the awarding of public works concession contracts and service concession contracts from Government Emergency Ordinance no. 34/2006.

Regulation regarding the awarding of service contracts contained in Annex 2B

The application rules of the Regulation on the awarding of service contracts included in Annex 2B.


GEO no. 57/2007 updated with law 49/2011, regarding the regime of natural protected areas, conservation of natural habitats, wild flora and fauna;

GEO no. 195/2005, updated with law no. 265/2006, regarding environmental protection;

GEO no. 139/2005, updated, regarding the management of forests in Romania;

GEO no. 64 of June 3, 2009 regarding the financial management of structural instruments and their use for the convergence objective, amended and supplemented by GEO no. 120/23.12.2010;

GEO no. 15/2010 for the amendment of art. 13, para. 2 of GEO no. 196/2005 regarding the Environmental Fund;

Law no. 5/2000 regarding the approval of the National Territory Development Plan, Section IIIa, protected areas;

H. G. no. 230 of March 4, 2003 regarding the delimitation of biosphere reserves, national parks and natural parks and the establishment of their administrations;

H. G. no. 1,076 of July 8, 2004 regarding the establishment of the procedure for carrying out the environmental assessment for plans and programs;

H. G. no. 1,476 of December 12, 2002 for the approval of some measures regarding the sustainable management of forests;

H. G. no. 1284 of 24 Oct. 2007 regarding the declaration of areas of special avifaunistic protection as an integral part of the European Natura 2000 ecological network in Romania;

Order no. 552 of August 26, 2003 regarding the approval of the internal zoning of national parks and natural parks, from the point of view of the need to preserve biological diversity;

Order no. 1964 from 13 Dec. 2007 regarding the establishment of the protected natural area regime of sites of community importance, as an integral part of the European Natura 2000 ecological network in Romania;

Order no. 1,948 of November 17, 2010 regarding the approval of the Methodology for awarding the administration of protected natural areas which requires the establishment of administration structures and the Methodology for awarding the custody of protected natural areas which does not require the establishment of administration structures;

Order no. 19/2010 of the Minister of Environment and Forests for the approval of the Methodological Guide regarding the adequate evaluation of the potential effects of plans or projects on protected natural areas of community interest;

MMP Order no. 1142/23.07.2010 regarding the Methodology for applying tariffs by administrators / custodians of protected natural areas and establishing their amount.

Order MM no. 304 of April 2, 2018 regarding the approval of the Guidelines for the development of management plans for protected natural areas

ORDER no. 1,798 of November 19, 2007 for the approval of the Environmental Permit Issuance Procedure


L 53/2003 Labor Code, updated by Law no. 40/2011

MAN. 115/2002 regarding the organization and functioning of the Commissions for recruitment, promotion in professional grades and gradations of forestry personnel.

MAN. no. 106/19.01.2011 regarding the appointment of the Board of Directors of RNP-Romsilva.

L 52/2011 regarding the exercise of some

occasional activities carried out by day laborers.


L 319/2006, the occupational health and safety law.

HG 1425/2006, amended by HG no. 955/2010, Methodological Norm for the application of Law 319/2006.

H. G. 1051/2006 regarding the minimum safety and health requirements for the manual handling of masses that present risks for workers, especially for back-lumbar ailments.

H. G. 1146/30.08.2006 regarding the minimum safety and health requirements for the use of work equipment by workers.

H. G. 1091/16.08.2006 regarding the minimum health and safety requirements for workplaces.

H. G. 971/26.07.2006 regarding the minimum requirements for safety and/or health signage at the workplace.

H. G. 1048/09.08.2006 regarding the minimum health and safety requirements for the use by workers of individual protective equipment at the workplace.

H.G.1028/09.08.2006 regarding the minimum requirements for health and safety at work regarding the use of equipment with a viewing screen.

H. G. 1136/30.08.2006 regarding the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to risks generated by electromagnetic fields.

H. G. 457/18.04.2003 regarding ensuring the safety of users of low-voltage electrical equipment.

OMMSSF no. 3/03.01.2007 for the approval of the Form for registering the work accident - FIAM - and the instructions for completing it.

L 49/2006 for the approval of GEO no. 195/2002 regarding traffic on public roads.

L 524 of November 24, 2004 for the amendment and completion of the Law of the National Red Cross Society of Romania no. 139/1995

L 359 of September 8, 2004 regarding the simplification of formalities for the registration in the trade register of individuals, family associations and legal entities, their fiscal registration, as well as the authorization of the operation of legal entities.

DECISION no. 355 of April 11, 2007 regarding the supervision of workers' health

L 333/2003, regarding the protection of objectives, goods, values and the protection of persons.

DECISION no. 1,010 of June 25, 2004 for the approval of the methodological norms and documents provided for in art. 69 of Law no. 333/2003 regarding the protection of objectives, goods, values and the protection of persons

ORDER no. 454 of July 14, 2003 regarding the approval of the Technical Norms for the protection of forests and the Guidelines for the application of the Technical Norms for the protection of forests ORDER no. 786 of September 2, 2005 regarding the modification and completion of the Order of the Minister of Administration and Interior no. 712/2005 for the approval of the General Provisions regarding the training of employees in the field of emergency situations.

EMERGENCY ORDINANCE no. 96 of October 14, 2003 regarding maternity protection at workplaces.

L 25 of March 5, 2004 for the approval of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 96/2003 regarding maternity protection at workplaces

L 307 of July 12, 2006 regarding fire protection

DECISION no. 580 of July 6, 2000 for the approval of the Methodological Norms for the application of the provisions of the Government's Emergency Ordinance no. 99/2000 regarding the measures that can be applied in periods of extreme temperatures for the protection of persons employed

L 448 of December 6, 2006 (*republished*) regarding the protection and promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities*)


H. G. no. 76/2011 regarding the amendment of H.G. no. 1705/2006 for the approval of the inventory

centralized of goods in the public domain of the state

O.M.F.P no. 1718/2011 for the approval of the Specifications regarding the preparation and updating of the centralized inventory of goods in the public domain of the state

H. G. 53/2011 – regarding the approval of the Methodological Norms regarding the application of Law 255/2011.

Law 255/2010 – on expropriation for reasons of public utility

Law 192/2010 - regarding the passage of forest roads from the public domain of the state and the administration of the RNP in the local public domain of some territorial administrative units and in the administration of the respective local councils

H. G. 1344/2010 - regarding the updating of the inventory values of the goods in the public domain of the state and in the administration of the MMP through the RNP.

H. G. 229/2009 - regarding the reorganization of the National Forestry Authority - Romsilva and the approval of the organization and operation regulation

Ordinance no. 112/2000 for the regulation of the decommissioning, scrapping and capitalization of tangible assets that make up the public domain of the state and administrative-territorial units

Law 213/1998 - regarding public property and its legal regime.

O. G. 43/1997 - regarding the road regime.

Law 7/1996 – Cadastre Law.

Law 33/1994 – Law on expropriation for reasons of public utility.

Law 33/1994 – Law on expropriation

for reasons of public utility.


L 544 of October 12, 2001 regarding free access to information of public interest

The methodological rules for the application of L 544/2001

O. G. 27/2002 - regarding the regulation of the petition resolution activity.

The official document can be downloaded below

Year 2022

Organizational structure


The official document can be downloaded below

Year 2024

Management and Public Information Staff


DIRECTOR - Neguțescu Ion Clementin

CONTACT DATA -, tel. 0731 560 391




CONTACT DATA -, tel. 0731 560 397

The official document can be downloaded below

Year 2023


Year 2022

Contact Information

Contact details of the public authority or institution: name, location, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address and website address




Headquarters: str. Principală nr. 71, loc. Moroeni, jud. Dâmbovița.

Telephone: 0245/772640

Email address:


The official document can be downloaded below

Year 2023


Year 2022

Financial Resources


The official document can be downloaded below

Year 2023


Year 2022

Procedures regarding access to public documents


The official document can be downloaded below

Year 2022

Chief Ranger Assets Statement

The Statement of Assets was compulsory for the Chief Ranger because of being involved in a project, financed with public funds.

The official document can be downloaded below

Year 2018


Year 2017

Chief Ranger Interests Statement

The Statement of Interests was compulsory for the Chief Ranger because of being involved in a project, financed with public funds.

The official document can be downloaded below

Year 2018


Year 2017

Education responsible Declaration of Interests

The Statement of Interests was compulsory for the Education Responsible because of being involved in a project, financed with public funds.

The official document can be downloaded below

Year 2018


Year 2017

Education responsible Declaration of Assets

The Statement of Assets was compulsory for the Education Resposible, because of being involved in a project, financed with public funds.

The official document can be downloaded below

Year 2018


Year 2017

List of document categories managed by BUCEGI NPA

List of categories of documents produced and/or managed according to Law 544/2001:


1. List of investments

2. List of APN BUCEGI tariffs

3. List of monthly payments:

  • salaries;
  • state budget contributions;
  • VAT;
  • payroll tax;
  • suppliers.

The official document can be downloaded below

Year 2022

Appealing decisions on access to public information

How to appeal against the decision of the public authority or institution in where the person considers that his or her right of access to information of public interest requested


If a person considers that his or her right of access to information of public interest has been infringed, he or she may lodge an administrative complaint with the head of the public authority or institution from which the information was requested.


The administrative complaint, according to the models, shall be submitted within 30 days of becoming aware of the explicit or tacit refusal of the employees of the public authority or institution.

The official document can be downloaded below

Year 2022

Request template for information of public interest


The official document can be downloaded below

Year 2022

Template for Administrative Complaint


The official document can be downloaded below

Year 2022

Director Assets Statement

According to Law 176/2010 Declaration of wealth and interests, Art. 1, lin. 31, the Director and the Chief Accountant of Bucegi NPA are obliged to draw up a declaration of assets every year.

The official document can be downloaded below

Year 2023


Year 2023


Year 2022


Year 2021


Year 2020


Year 2019


Year 2018


Year 2017

Chief Accountant Assets Statement

According to Law 176/2010 Declaration of wealth and interests, Art. 1, lin. 31, the Director and the Chief Accountant of Bucegi NPA are obliged to draw up a declaration of assets every year.

The official document can be downloaded below

Year 2022


Year 2021


Year 2020


Year 2019


Year 2018


Year 2017

Director Interests Statement

According to Law 176/2010 Declaration of wealth and interests, Art. 1, lin. 31, the Director and the Chief Accountant of Bucegi NPA are obliged to draw up a declaration of interests every year.

The official document can be downloaded below

Year 2023


Year 2023


Year 2022


Year 2021


Year 2020


Year 2019


Year 2018


Year 2017

Chief Accountant Interests Statement

According to Law 176/2010 Declaration of wealth and interests, Art. 1, lin. 31, the Director and the Chief Accountant of Bucegi NPA are obliged to draw up a declaration of interests every year.

The official document can be downloaded below

Year 2022


Year 2021


Year 2020


Year 2019


Year 2018


Year 2017

Balance sheet of APN BUCEGI