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Bucegi Natural Park


2023 Proposed Park Regulations modifications

The purpose of this regulation is to govern all anthropogenic activities that take place inside Bucegi Natural Park (PNB) and in the protected natural areas of national interest included or attached to its perimeter, respectively the Natura 2000 Site ROSCI 0013, the Cocora Cave and Cheile Urșilor, Cheile Tătarului, Horoabei Valley, Orzea – Zănoaga Reserve, Zănoaga – Lucăcilă Reserve, Răteiului Cave, Lăptici Peat, Poiana Crucii, Plaiul Hoților Reserve, Plaiul Hoților Fossil Site, Prahovean Bucegi Escarpment, Barbeș’s Colt Mountain, Bucșoiu Escarpment - Mălăesti – Gaura, Locul fossil from Vama Strunga and natural monuments with geological, geomorphological, speleological or landscape values, existing in the Bucegi Natural Park.

The PNB Regulation also aims to establish restrictions and prohibitions related to the exploitation and management of natural resources, the use of land, buildings and roads, compliance with the legal provisions regarding the delimitation and activities allowed in the legally existing management areas, in order to protect and adequate conservation of natural and cultural heritage assets in the PNB.

Compliance with this Regulation is mandatory for the Administration of Bucegi Natural Park, all authorities that regulate activities on the territory of protected natural areas, respectively territorial administrative units that own or administer land in PNB, natural or legal persons that own or administer land and other goods and/or who carry out activities in the PNB perimeter and in their vicinity, to companies that carry out work or manage goods, to all categories of researchers, ecologists, tourists, climbers and speleologists who carry out activities in the PNB.

The official document can be downloaded below

Park Regulations H.G. 187/2011

The present regulation aims to govern all anthropic activities taking place on the surface of the Bucegi Natural Park (PNB) and in the nationally protected natural areas included or attached to its perimeter, namely the Natura 2000 site ROSCI 0013, the Cocora Cave Reserve, the Urșilor Gorges, the Tătarului Gorges, the Horoabei Valley, the Orzea – Zănoaga Reserve, the Zănoaga – Lucăcilă Reserve, the Răteiului Cave, the Lăptici Peat Bog, the Poiana Crucii, the Plaiul Hoților Reserve, the fossil site Plaiul Hoților, the Prahova Bucegi Cliff, Mount Colții lui Barbeș, the Bucșoiu - Mălăești – Gaura Cliff, the fossil site at Vama Strunga, and the natural monuments with geological, geomorphological, speleological, or scenic value existing in the Bucegi Natural Park.

The PNB regulation also aims to establish restrictions and prohibitions related to the exploitation and management of natural resources, land use, constructions, and circulation routes, as well as compliance with legal provisions regarding the delineation and permitted activities in the legally existing management zones, with a view to ensuring the proper protection and conservation of the natural and cultural heritage assets in PNB.

Compliance with this regulation is mandatory for RNP Romsilva – Administration of Bucegi Natural Park, all authorities regulating activities within the protected natural areas, as well as administrative territorial units that own or manage land in PNB, individuals or legal entities that own or manage land and other assets, and/or conduct activities within the PNB perimeter and its vicinity, companies that carry out works or manage assets, and all categories of researchers, ecologists, tourists, climbers, and speleologists conducting activities in PNB.

The official document can be downloaded below