Bucegi Natural Park
Theme Trails
There are a total of 10 theme trails throughout Bucegi Natural Park.
Most of them are easy - average dificulty, with only a few of average dificulty, meaning some steep slopes and rocky terrain.
If you want to see them on the map please click the MAP button. On the map you can filter trails by clicking on the right side and clear the filter when you want to see all of them. You can also search for one using the binoculars icon on the left. The upper layers button will show you the legend of the map. Also when hovering over a trail a pop-up message will show you info about time, distance and difficulty.
More info on trails also below.
Bușteni - Cascada Urlătoarea
2.07 km | 1 hours
N 45.2523 E 25.3109 , N 45.2346 E 25.3056
Bușteni-Jepii Mici - Babele
5.17 km | 4.5 hours
Average to Dificult
N 45.2523 E 25.3109, N 45.2423 E 25.2818
Lacul Scropoasa – Zănoaga
2.51 km | 1.5 hours
N 45.1852 E 25.2510 , N 45.1951 E 25.2538
Padina - Valea Doamnele - Drumul Grănicerilor - Șaua Strungă - Padina
16 km | 6 hours
Average to Dificult
N 45.2259 E 25.2558
Valea Bângăleasa - Poiana Guțanu - Grohotiș - Valea Bângăleasa
8.77 km | 2.5 hours
Easy to Average
N 45.419058 E 25.370578
Vulpărie-Poiana Stânii Regale-Drumul Cotei-Cota 1400
7.44 km | 2.5 hours
Easy to Average
N 45.363296 E 25.535711
Piatra Arsă-Babele-Complex Piatra Arsă
7.57 km | 2 hours
Easy to Average
N 45.2234 E 25.2911