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Bucegi Natural Park

Our Announcements

15Sep 2023

Theme trail restored in Lăptici Peatbog

Starting today the Lăptici Peat bog theme trail is accessible again, after several days of repairs and toil. Its degradation is unavoidable, mainly due to bad weather and we apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Lăptici Cave is one of the 14 reserves that are on the territory of the Bucegi Natural Park, being the highest altitude tarn in Romania. Its importance is unquestionable, as it protects a series of rare northern floristic elements, some even relict, and a microfauna characteristic of oligotrophic marshes, particularly interesting and varied. The clumps of Sphagnum moss here form a compact mass, 1 metre thick and sensitive to the weight of the human body. 

So please always use the wooden footpath for travel.

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