Our Announcements
Anunț Concurs pentru postul de Consilier juridic - intern
In accordance with the provisions of Annex no. 9 to the Collective Labour Contract, in force, on 11.04.2023 starting at 09:00, at the headquarters of RNP Romsilva - Bucegi Natural Park Administration R.A, Main Street no. 71, Moroeni, Dambovita county, will take place the first stage (for staff already employed within Romsilva) of the examination / competition for promotion from the system for
to fill the vacant position of permanent legal advisor, for an indefinite period, full time, within RNP Romsilva - Bucegi Natural Park Administration R.A.
1. General conditions for participation in the examination/competition:
a) has Romanian citizenship and residence in Romania;
b) has knowledge of the Romanian language, written and spoken;
c) has the exercise of civil and political rights;
d) has a state of health appropriate to the post for which he/she is applying, attested by a medical certificate issued by the family doctor;
e) is a graduate of a law faculty;
f) has not been convicted of an offence against the person, property or the State
or authority, corruption and service offences, offences against the administration of justice,
forgery or an offence committed with intent to render him/her incompatible with the exercise of
legal counsel;
g) is not in any of the cases of ineligibility provided by law.
2. Specific conditions for participation of candidates in the examination/competition:
a) to have a university degree, respectively a long term higher education, graduated with a degree or equivalent in the field of legal sciences - law faculty;
b) have a minimum of 2 years' experience in the field of study;
c) have knowledge of computer operations, Word, Excel;
d) not be in litigation with the National Forestry Agency - Romsilva/its unit or sub-unit;
e) be a permanent legal advisor;
f) to be able to travel to all courts in Romania.
3. To register for the examination/competition, candidates must submit the following documents:
a) original application form for the examination/competition addressed to RNP- Romsilva Administration of Bucegi Natural Park R.A. (according to the attached model);
b) identity card (copy in original);
c) diploma attesting the studies provided for in the conditions of participation (copy in original) / certificate issued by the educational establishment graduated, attesting the studies provided for in the conditions of participation;
(d) curriculum vitae (original);
(e) medical certificate attesting to the state of health appropriate to the post, issued not more than six months before the date of the competition by your family doctor (original);
(f) criminal record certificate (original);
g) birth certificate/marriage certificate (certified copy);
h) certificate attesting to length of service and length of studies;
i) sworn statement that they are not in dispute with the National Forestry Administration - Romsilva/its unit or sub-unit, as per the attached model (original).
4. Stages of the examination/competition:
(a) checking of applications
(b) written test: grid test
(c) interview
5. Dates of the examination/competition:
27.03.2023 - 07.04.2023, between 8,00 - 14,00, submission of the application form to the examination/competition, at the RNP- Romsilva- Administration of Bucegi Natural Park R.A., str. Principala nr.71, Moroeni, Dambovita county - secretariat or by post/fast courier provided that the application form reaches the Administration's headquarters by 07.04.2023, 14,00;
10.04.2023, between 09.00 and 12.00 - verification of the files concerning the documents submitted and the fulfilment of the conditions for participation in the competition and the posting of the results;
10.04.2023, between 12,00 - 13,00 - submission of appeals at the stage of verification of the files, at RNP - Romsilva - Administration of Bucegi Natural Park R.A., Main Street nr.71, Moroeni, Dambovita County or e-mail bucegipark@gmail.com.
10.04.2023, between 13,00 - 14,00 - settlement of appeals and display of the result of the verification stage of the files;
11.04.2023, between 09,00 - 11,00 - written test - 50 questions grid test (minimum pass mark for the written test is 7,00).
11.04.2023, 12,00 - posting of written test results;
11.04.2023, between 13,00 - 14,00 - submission of written test appeals, at RNP - Romsilva - Administration of Bucegi Natural Park R.A., str. Principala nr.71, Moroeni, Dambovita county or e-mail bucegipark@gmail.com;
11.04.2023, between 14,00-15,00 - solving of the appeals for the written test and posting of the result;
11.04.2023, between 15,00 - 16,00 - the interview (the minimum pass mark for the interview is 7,00);
11.04.2023, from 16,00 to 16,30 - display of interview results and final results.
6. Display of results and settlement of appeals:
The results of the file verification stage will be announced with the mention 'admitted/not admitted' and the results of the two tests will be announced with the mention 'admitted/not admitted', specifying the marks awarded to each candidate for each test. Candidates who do not obtain a pass mark of at least 7,00 in the written test will be disqualified from the interview. The final result will be displayed for candidates who have obtained a minimum mark of 7,00 in the written test and have taken part in the interview and will contain the marks awarded to each candidate for each test and the mention 'pass/fail'. The partial and final results of the examination/competition will be posted at the headquarters and on the RNP - Romsilva - Bucegi R.A. Natural Park Administration website: www.bucegipark.ro.
After the results have been posted, dissatisfied candidates may lodge an appeal within the time limits laid down in point 5 of the notice, under penalty of forfeiture of this right.
The results of the appeals submitted and their results will be communicated according to the timetable in point 5 of the notice, by posting at the headquarters and on the RNP - Romsilva - Bucegi R.A. Natural Park Administration website: www.bucegipark.ro, specifying the score awarded to each candidate and the mention "admitted" or "rejected".
The final results of the examination/competition will be communicated according to the timetable in point 5 of the notice, by posting at the headquarters and on the RNP - Romsilva - Bucegi R.A. Natural Park Administration website: www.bucegipark.ro, specifying the score awarded to each candidate in the two tests, the final result obtained and the mention "admitted" or "rejected". The minimum pass mark for the examination/competition is 7.00.
Further information on the examination/competition can be obtained from the Human Resources Department - tel. 0245 772 640 or 0730 652 243 - economist Diaconescu Alina.
for the examination/competition for promotion from the system organized by RNP - Romsilva - Bucegi Natural Park Administration R.A., stage I (for staff already employed within Romsilva) on 11.04.2023, in order to fill the vacant position of permanent legal advisor, indefinite period, full time, within RNP - Romsilva - Bucegi Natural Park Administration R.A.
1. Civil Code (in force since 01.10.2011)
Book III, Title VI - Public Property
Book III, Title VII - Land register
Book VI - On extinctive prescription, forfeiture and calculation of time limits
2. Code of Civil Procedure (in force since 10.04.2015)
Preliminary Title
CHAPTER. I - Scope of the Code of Civil Procedure
CHAPTER II - Fundamental principles of civil procedure
CHAPTER III - Application of civil procedure law
Book I
Title I - Civil action
Title II - Participants in civil proceedings
Title III - Jurisdiction of the courts
Book II
Title I - Procedure before the first instance.
Title II - Appeals.
3. Criminal Code (in force since 01.02.2014)
Special Part
Title II - Offences against property - Articles 228 to 256;
Title V - Corruption and service offences - Articles 289 - 309;
Title VI - Offences of forgery - Articles 310-328.
4. GD no. 229/2009 on the reorganisation of the National Forestry Administration - Romsilva and approval of the organisational and operational regulations, with subsequent amendments and additions.
5. Law 53/2003 - Labour Code, republished, with subsequent amendments and additions:
Title II, CAP. I-VI - Individual employment contract
Title XI - Legal liability Title XII - Labour jurisdiction
6. Law 514/2003 on the organisation and exercise of the profession of legal adviser, as subsequently amended and supplemented.
7. Statute of the profession of legal adviser of 06.03.2004 published in the Official Gazette no. 684/29.07.2004.
8. Emergency Ordinance of the Romanian Government No 57/2007 on the regime of protected natural areas, conservation of natural habitats, wild flora and fauna, approved with amendments and additions by Law No 49/2011, with subsequent amendments and additions.
9. Romanian Government Emergency Ordinance No 195/2005 on environmental protection, approved with amendments and additions by Law No 265/2006 with subsequent amendments and additions.
10. Ordinance of the Romanian Government No 2/2001 on the legal regime of contraventions, approved with amendments and additions by Law No 180/2001 with subsequent amendments and additions.
11. Law 46/2008 - Forestry Code, republished, with subsequent amendments and additions
Title II - Administration of the national forest fund
Title III, CHAP. IV - Ensuring the integrity of the national forest estate
Title VI - Liabilities and sanctions
12. Law No. 554/2004 on administrative litigation, as amended and supplemented, in full